Monday, November 30, 2009

Xmas Decorations!

First off...welcome to the new iMac 5G at ZTS! WOOO! :D Joins up the 15 incher mac book pro for editing. Super excited to try it out for our shoots this upcoming weekend!

As seen in the video post are some final images of the tree being put up!

And lastly a snapshot of some turkey day action.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Stop Motion Baby!

Happy day after turkey day! Celebrating with the decorating of the xmas tree at the Urich house via a stop motion video...enjoy!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Chillin' with Max!

First I wanted to share something super amazing that I had the pleasure of designing at work for the cover and internal booklet for the financial summary of 2009 for the U.S. Consumer marketing department here at work! I did the cover, internal, and final page design as well as alot of the artwork and photography internally. I had fun working with Ira the copy-righter to put the final product together and can't wait to see it back from the printer in a few weeks! Super awesome!

Now on to the fun stuff! I had the pleasure of spending the evening with my 3 year old cousin Max last night. Super fun and full of a surplus of energy as well as great sayings! Here are a few pictures from the eventful night!

Yes. We made lots and lots of cool faces at the camera! Max loves to take picture and be in them!

Showing me his super awesome muscles.

Oh you know just doing some super cool jumps.

He was all about his dump trucks borrowed from Grandma & Grandpa Obrecht! I used to play with these when I was a little kid. :)

And made me stop on the dark stairway to take a 'picture in the dark!' Needless to say I think he was surprised how bright my flash was in the dark. Ha!

Photo above by Max! He was all about taking pictures and learning how to use the camera. He loved the live view setting that he could see the picture on the screen.

Video of this session shall be posted sometime...

AHH! Act scared!

Do the surprised face!

After every one of these he giggled non-stop!

And the ever classic OH MY face!

And on to the good stuff! A tub full of tractors!

Max has a super cool tent set up in one of the spare bedrooms with lots of books to read inside. Thumbs up to that!

Abandoned Iowa

Something that I have been interested in for years is taking pictures of old and abandoned homes. Stopped at a few locations on the way home from Storm Lake last weekend here are a few of my favorite shots! Enjoy!

Field fire just out of Storm Lake

Home out of Lake View, IA on highway 171/71

Directly in town in Auburn, IA

Somewhere off highway 141 near Grand Junction I believe

And located in the town of Bayard an old gas station/tire repair shop!

Probably will be posting a few more images from past shoots in the next few weeks! Just something so amazing about the dismal and decay in Iowa especially in the fall!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


We had the pleasure of shooting a friends car that he recently purchased in Indianola this past weekend as well. Here are a few of our favorite images! Stay tuned for some fully awesome HDR photos Tanner is processing in the next few days!

Tanners HDR attempt...going to fully profess with Photomatix the full version super soon!

Thanks so much Aaron! :D