Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Family Photos

We had the pleasure of spending the afternoon down on the Brewbaker farm. Wanted to capture a few photos for my Grandmother Brewbaker and her four sons. She was awarded a 100 years in farming award in 1996 that she wanted to share with us that was recently framed. She was pretty excited about it! :)

Discussing the story of the farm with Tanner and I before some family shots.

My dad (far left) and uncles: Jim, Dave & Paul with my grandmother Mary

And of course she wanted a sweet pic with an old family shot from the early 1900's including my great-great grandfather and family.

Good old Rusty posing as usual for the camera!

Shot outside the farmhouse that the grew up in and has been in my family for over 100 years.

And some cows. Obviously have to include the cows!

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