Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Print Card!

We were contemplating how best to spread the word at events that we shoot that you can go visit our print site and purchase the images. We needed something:

1. Super simple

2. Awesomely sweet and so ZTS style

Cha ching! Problem solved!

Welcome to the funky cool ZTS Print business card!

Of course we have individual cards for ourselves to pass out but the print site address on there is super small and sometimes hard to explain the difference between our 'website' our 'print site' and the 'blog' to someone within a 30 second conversation. We decided to just simply make some combo cards to solve it!

Now when we are shooting your wedding day, event or game we can pass them out to family members so they can go purchase and view images at the touch of a button. Tanner has been shooting quite a few sporting events at BVU and assumed having a print website card to pass out to some parents might help them to actually go view and buy the awesome images of their children in action!


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