Tuesday, January 12, 2010

CHRISTMAS! (A bit late? Opps!)

We apologize for not posting for awhile! Life has been crazy! With work, lots of great wedding inquiries, projects, etc! Busy! :D

Here are a few images from Christmas at the Brewbakers!

My bro, padre, madre & I

Just showin' the Daddio some love!

Hum...what did Chad and I do now?

Sibling love. Sadly we get into a lot of mischief!

Tanner & myself
Chad & Kate

Oh thanks Tanman! Can't believe I didn't get yelled at for this one! :)


Always wanted to fisheye my house! How sweet!

Chad inspecting my shovel

And as for the Urich Christmas photos...someone reformatted their memory card before a shoot and deleted them! Promise there were some real winners of people playing the Wii Fit!

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